Why Is My Singing Not Getting Better?

We all hit plateaus on our musical journey.

Here’s 3 reasons why your singing voice may not be improving.

  1. Poor Vocal Health

    Are you getting enough sleep? Drinking lots of water? Avoiding caffeine, alcohol, and smoke as much as possible? Try changing a few of your habits and see if that helps your improvement.

  2. Poor Posture

    Muscles, skeletal alignment, and BREATH are essential. Practice standing up for a few weeks and see if this helps. Add in a few ab workouts to strengthen those abdominal muscles!

  3. You’re trying to sing too high!

    If you’re singing out of your range, you’re going to be constantly straining your voice. Work with a vocal coach to stay in your range and develop core skills before trying to expand your range.

  4. You’re not warming up your voice.

    Never forget to warm up to prevent strain and injury on the vocal cords!

  5. You don’t have clear goals or direction.

    This is where a vocal coach or voice teacher can come in. You need someone who has been down the path to help you create a plan to reach your vocal goals.

Imagine that you want to build a large hill in the middle of your front yard, but you don’t have a lot of time, and you don’t have a lot of money to hire a dump truck to bring a big load all at once.

So you commit to the work of taking a handful of dirt from a large pile nearby, and every morning you place one small handful at the spot you would like.

You do this every day for a few weeks, and then you decide you’re ready to pick up the pace. Now you get two handfuls of dirt a day — one in the morning, and one in the evening. This doubles the rate at which you are building your pile!

Slowly and steadily, you have built your mountain.

And all your friends and neighbors will wonder how you achieved so much with so little effort.


You’re right, I completely agree! The journey is long, and you have to be committed to enjoy the results!

The trick is to

That’s what
here for.

Work with a vocal coach to help inspire and motivate you through the ups and downs of your vocal journey, to keep it fun and light hearted, and to lead you through the challenges you’re going to overcome.

Fill out the form below and we’ll send you:

  • A Free Video Lesson on the Basics of Vocal Technique

  • A Free Workbook on the Basics of Vocal Technique

  • A calendar link to set up a 10 minute Zoom trial lesson with one of our highly qualified vocal instructors!


How do I KNOW if I am singing IN TUNE?


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