Benefits of Online Music Lessons
It’s a new era, and we have fully entered the online education revolution! We’re no longer held hostage to studios and classroom walls. The world is now our classroom, and I’m excited to be a teacher in a time when I can reach students easily from across the globe!
Besides the normal benefits of music lessons like higher self esteem, resilience, and self discipline, here’s 8 benefits of online music lessons.
Not having to drive somewhere for classes once a week saves family time, money, and emotional energy! Parents love being able to sit their child down in front of a teacher for a half hour or an hour lesson while they take a break, make dinner, or catch up on things around the house. If you’re an adult student, it makes it possible for you to fit in a class in the evening or even on a lunch break!
2. Equipment and set up advice from your teacher
When students come in to a studio to take lessons, teachers don’t get to see the practice environment that students have at home. I love being able to see my students’ practice environment and check in on their equipment to make sure that everything is in working order.
3. Efficiency in lessons
When I worked in a studio, the first 5 minutes and last 5 minutes of a lesson were spent “packing up” their equipment and getting ready for the next student. In online classes, students come to the Zoom meeting prepared to start, and are required to have their own equipment ready to go. If I do have to find materials for the student, it’s as easy as searching on my desktop for music, or opening my Kindle library for books. No more walking down the hall searching for books and wasting time.
4. Choice of teachers
When you choose online lessons, you can choose teachers from all over the globe. This means that you have your choice of teachers, from Berklee grads (like myself) to Grammy nominated artists. It’s an opportunity for you or your child to work with some of the best musicians and music educators on the planet.
5. Exposure to different world views!
With access to so many people online, you’re going to get a wonderful exposure to different perspectives and world views. In my online classes, I love seeing my students interact with people who are different than them. We talk about and really understand time zones, differences in weather, and even the different types of food in each country. I love seeing my students become global citizens.
6. Health
In this time period, we want to be careful about the health of our families. Online lessons allow students to still participate in classes even if they are sick or having to quarantine. It’s great that students and teachers can still continue with playing music even if they’re feeling a little bit off.
7. Infinite resources
When we teach online, we have access to infinite resources. As a teacher, I am able to look up and purchase sheet music or e-books and have them immediately available for reference during classes. No more waiting a few weeks for books or CDs to come in the mail. It’s right at our fingertips.
8. Technology
Working with an online teacher is a great way for kids to use their devices in a productive way. Showing young people ideas for integrating technology into their lives in a healthy way can only be a good thing. They’ll take a break from games while getting to use their beloved devices. We also learn how to use computers, tablets, and phones to create art, which will undoubtedly be the way that music will be taught, created, and consumed in the future.
Can you think of any other benefits of online music lessons?